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Did you know that God gives us a do-over? Its called grace, and He provided an unlimited supply of it when Jesus died on the Cross for us. It releases us from our chains to the past and allows for our lives to be dictated not by our past but by God’s future. The sad thing, many people are still allowing their pasts to determine their identity, their self-worth, their expectations, their habits…you get the idea. God doesn’t intend for it to be that way. He has intervened in human history in Jesus to free us from our past, so we can have a complete do-over in our relationship with Him. It’s available, it’s ours, but we aren’t taking advantage of it.
Did you know that God gives us a do-over? Its called grace, and He provided an unlimited supply of it when Jesus died on the Cross for us. It releases us from our chains to the past and allows for our lives to be dictated not by our past but by God’s future. The sad thing, many people are still allowing their pasts to determine their identity, their self-worth, their expectations, their habits…you get the idea. God doesn’t intend for it to be that way. He has intervened in human history in Jesus to free us from our past, so we can have a complete do-over in our relationship with Him. It’s available, it’s ours, but we aren’t taking advantage of it.