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Pastor Steve Blumer - July 1, 2018

Exodus 11-13:16 | Deep Demand for Judgment

Exodus: Their Story. Our Story

The 10th plague is a heavy and troublesome event. The Passover surrounding this event shows us the deep demand for judgment as well as the high price for redemption. It all points to Jesus, our Passover lamb.

Scripture References: Exodus 11:1-10, Exodus 12:1-51, Exodus 13:1-16

From Series: "Exodus: Their Story. Our Story"

The book of Exodus is the 2nd book in a 5 book collection in the Old Testament called the Pentateuch or Torah. Exodus details the Israelites developing their relationship with God from the going out of Egypt (a place of slavery) to the arrival of the Promised Land (a place of abundant living). Their journey does not take a simple direct route for various reasons. And just like the Israelites, our spiritual journey is not a simple direct route.

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Pastor Steve Blumer - July 1, 2018

Exodus 11-13:16 | Deep Demand for Judgment

Exodus: Their Story. Our Story

The 10th plague is a heavy and troublesome event. The Passover surrounding this event shows us the deep demand for judgment as well as the high price for redemption. It all points to Jesus, our Passover lamb.

Scripture References: Exodus 11:1-10, Exodus 12:1-51, Exodus 13:1-16

From Series: "Exodus: Their Story. Our Story"

The book of Exodus is the 2nd book in a 5 book collection in the Old Testament called the Pentateuch or Torah. Exodus details the Israelites developing their relationship with God from the going out of Egypt (a place of slavery) to the arrival of the Promised Land (a place of abundant living). Their journey does not take a simple direct route for various reasons. And just like the Israelites, our spiritual journey is not a simple direct route.

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