Keep Making a Difference

$15,000 for 3 Distinctive Needs

In recognition of our 15th year anniversary, we desire to give $1000 per year towards our continuing mission to reach our community with the Hope of Jesus Christ with these new special outreach and serving partnerships.

Wheat Community Connection, Clinton

$5000 to help provide new commercial refrigeration as they feed 70+ every night

Church on 7 Hills, Worcester

$7500 to help our sister church renovate their new acquired facility

Another Church Plant

$2500 to help give a church plant a boost in partnership

Give through May

We are asking you to give “Above and Beyond” your regular tithes and offerings to this special anniversary offering. You can give to “Keep Making a Difference” by making out a check to Hope Chapel and marking KMD in the Memo line.   You can also give online through your CCB account by choosing KMD in the drop-down menu under the giving tab.

Goal Completed
85% Complete (success)85%