God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands

August 5 - 8, 2024
Register Here

What is VBS?

Vacation Bible Spectacular is a 4 day experience for kids in the summer. For 3 hours a day kids have fun with games, crafts, and music while learning about God through storytelling and even snacks. We also have a FAMILY & FRIENDS party on that Thursday evening from 6 – 8 PM.

Who is VBS for?

VBS is for kids going into Pre-K (4 yrs) to 5th graders. We know you’ll want to send your toddlers but we’ve learned that it’s a little overwhelming for them in this environment. For safety reasons, only youth of Hope Chapel can volunteer like an adult volunteer. Email Jay at jayt@hopechapelsterling.org to volunteer.

what is the cost?

VBS at Hope Chapel is FREE. Yes, you read that correct … FREE. We pay for everything because we love families and don’t want money to be a barrier for this event. You already have plenty of expenses in the summer.

When is VBS?

VBS is Monday through Thursday, August 5 – 8 from 9 AM to NOON. We also have a FAMILY & FRIENDS party on that Thursday evening from 6 – 8 PM. We provide the hamburgers/hot dogs and drinks, and ask families to bring some sides. You’ll get to sign up during VBS week.

Theme Verse

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”


God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands

Daily Content

Day 1: Truth Comes From God
Day 2: God’s Plan is Best
Day 3: Everyone Needs Jesus
Day 4: Speak the Truth in Love

This Year's Mission Project Item Collection Charity Outreach

Every year at VBS, we collect particular items and donate them to local partners and organizations.

This year, we are collecting new pre-packaged snacks like crackers, chips, cookies, trail mix, fruit snacks, dried fruit, and granola bars. Perfect for road trips like to the beach 🙂

Items will be given to places like Wheat Community Services in Clinton, North Star Family Services in Leominster, and W.A.R.M. in Worcester.

Common FAQs

Will There Be Capacity Limits?

Although we don’t want to turn anyone away and although there are no mandated capacity limits, our facilities can best accommodate 130 kids plus volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer (7th grade and up, please email Pastor Jay at jayt@hopechapelsterling.org).

What Kind of Snacks Are Served?

We typically provide a small themed based snack that include items such as crackers, fruit, marshmallows, etc. We don’t serve nuts and can make other arrangements for allergies. Please let us know when signing up.

Are the Volunteers CORI'd?

All of our adult volunteers are CORI and SORI checked with state and national agencies. There are always at least 2 adults working together. Our teenagers also serve alongside the adults. Because of their age, teenagers do not undergo CORI or SORI checks.