April 24 – June 12
Starting April 24, Hope Chapel will be in a church-wide study called “Transformed.” It’s all about how God changes us. There is a process to His plan and there is a plan to His process. God does care about your situation and circumstance, but He cares more about you personally. He wants all of you. He wants your heart, mind, soul, and strength in every aspect of your life. This includes your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, financial, and vocational life. We should not be content just letting God have an hour of our Sundays. Why? Because God loves you. He desires to bless you. He desires to make you the best you that could possibly exist. You matter to God and God can make a big difference in your life when we allow Him to change us. Join us during this 7 week church-wide study.
There are many ways for you to get the most out of this study.
- Starting April 3, there will be workbooks available to pickup for this series. The workbooks are designed to be a place to take sermon notes, fill-in-the blanks during the Life Group DVD study, and spend time with God in 7 days of devotions each week. The workbooks are free because we want you to be a part of this series. If you wish to pay for the book, they are $12. You can write “Life Group book” in the check memo and drop it in the offering plate or you can give through our online giving portal.
- Join us each Sunday morning during the 7 week series as we talk about the different areas in which God wants us to change. Learn specific ways to put things into practice starting that day. Don’t forget to use your workbook as a place to take notes.
- Join a Life Group if you aren’t currently in one. Life Groups are small groups of 8-10 people who meet in member’s homes during the week at various times, days, and locations. These groups are a great way to get connected, stimulate mission, foster transformation, and exercise care for one another.
- For a listing of Life Group options and to get in contact with Life Group leaders, click here. [imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://www.hopechapelsterling.org/group-search/” target=”_self” extraclass=”” size=””]Find a Life Group[/imic_button]
- For more information about Life Groups, visit here. [imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://www.hopechapelsterling.org/life-groups/” target=”_self” extraclass=”” size=””]Life Group Info[/imic_button]
- Have your teenager join the series at Alpha & Omega Youth Group. Jr High meet on Mondays at 5 – 7 pm and Sr High meet on Wednesdays at 5;30 – 8 pm. For more information about Student Ministries, please contact Ken Hall, Pastor of Students.
If you don’t plan on joining a LG but would like access to the DVD study, please contact Steve Blumer, Pastor of Family and Adults.
Transformation and Origami?
The process of transformation can seem long. Certain moments, changes, and “bends” in your life may not make the most sense. But God does have a plan. It’s all part of the process. Just like origami, it may be hard to see the end result at the beginning. Even up to the last moment, it just doesn’t look right. It’s only when we are patient and allow God to press down to form some creases and speak change, can our lives be shaped into something beautiful. For fun, give some of these origami a try. (NOTE: the pictures below are not complete instructions, click on the links for helpful origami videos.)