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Pastor Steve Blumer - August 19, 2020

Successful Not Stressful Communication

Communication is necessary for sharing information and getting things done. Communication helps us learn truth, tools, and tips to do things better. But communication isn't always easy. Here's a few ways to help your communication be successful and not stressful.

Scripture References: Proverbs 15:23, Proverbs 18:1-2

From Series: "Wednesday's Word"

A midweek encouragement.

More Messages Associated With "Communication"...

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Check out these previous sermon series.

Pastor Steve Blumer - August 19, 2020

Successful Not Stressful Communication

Communication is necessary for sharing information and getting things done. Communication helps us learn truth, tools, and tips to do things better. But communication isn't always easy. Here's a few ways to help your communication be successful and not stressful.

Scripture References: Proverbs 15:23, Proverbs 18:1-2

From Series: "Wednesday's Word"

A midweek encouragement.

More Messages Associated With "Communication"...

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