
Minimizing the Mess, Maximizing the Benefits

Great relationships are awesome. They feed love, encouragement, joy, and meaning into our lives. That’s the way God designed them. Unfortunately, for far too many, they can be a source of pain and disappointment. In this series, we will interact with the relationship principles of Jesus to discover how to take the mess out and put the value back into our relationships.

Series Starts Oct. 1

Join us in this 8 week series

How to Get the Most out of this Series

Sunday Morning Sermons

We will talk about the value of relationships, why to prioritize them, and how to maintain them. Topics will include loving yourself, building trust, the place for humility, the need for grace, and many more. We will highlight all relationships, but particularly the messy and most beneficial ones with God, family, and friends. 

Connect in a Life Group

To learn and talk more about relationships, we encourage everyone to get connected into a Life Group. Find yours today. Download the discussion questions below. Know before you go.

Bible Devotional Plan

Download the Bible Devotional Plan and get into God’s Word 4 times a week in the area of relationships.