We live in a culture that’s all about self, becoming the best “me” I can be instead of becoming like Jesus. This me-centered message affects every area of our lives—our friendships, families, self-image, even our faith—and it negatively impacts each one. The...
7 Week Study by Kyle Idleman Filmed in Boston. This world looks nothing like the promised perfect kingdom of God. And yet we as God’s people must live in it every day. In The Book of 1 Peter, Kyle Idleman walks through the short letter and unpacks the importance...
Authentic Manhood is all about setting men up to live lives of truth, passion and purpose. Their resources offer clear and practical Biblical insights on God’s design for manhood that are both refreshing and inspiring. They point men to a gospel-centered vision...
A Bible Study for Women about Sex?!? Now, That’s Different. Eye popping pleasure and soul-to-soul intimacy- that’s what God intended for a husband and wife to experience. But because of issues in our past, damaging information from the world, or incomplete...
Grandparenthood is far more than rocking chairs. It is a second chance to do all of the “ought tos” and “should haves” that the busyness and demands of daily parenthood kept you from doing. It is living part of the idealistic dream of...