Marriage Workshop

with guests Nate and Kim Young


Nate and Kim Young have been married for 19 years with 4 children…along with their share of highs and lows of life…

Nate and Kim Young live on Long Island, NY. Nate is the executive pastor at CrossBridge Church, and is primarily over the counseling ministry and life groups. Nate and Kim have their Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling, and Nate also, his Master of Divinity. They both have a passion to help families know and grow in their roles, as part of a biblical family. Nate and Kim have four children ranging from toddler to teen. They have also recently experienced the challenges of dealing with cancer, multiple surgeries, and three different treatments in a span of the past two years. The Lord has used this journey to bring a deeper trust in their hearts toward Him, as well as helped them find joy and new meaning to living and growing closer to Him and to each other, “for better or for worse.” 

Marriage is a great thing. Lots of good times. Yet, not every moment feels good or is easy. However, we did marry “for better or for worse.” Every marriage will experience several of those “worse” times.  How can we work on our marriage during “the worse”? Hear from Nate and Kim Young as they guide us to do better during the worse for a great marriage.

The Day Of

Doors open at 8:30 AM with coffee and light refreshments. Check in before 9 AM as we’ll start right away. The day will be filled with 3 main sessions, time to discuss with your spouse or as tables, free lunch and breaks along the way. There’s be times of laughter and time of getting serious. Can’t wait to see you there.

Event Details

Date: Saturday – Nov 9, 2019
Time: 9 AM – 2 PM
Location: Hope Chapel, 35 Chocksett Rd, Sterling, MA

Predicted Weather

Temperature: 70° (we won’t make you sweat too much)
Chance of Fighting: low
Humor and Authencity: 100%


Don’t miss out on this year’s Marriage Workshop. It happens only once a year. Every marriage needs work and attention. Even if you communicate well, go on dates often, and pray together…there’s always something to learn and it’s always a special time together. 









Space is limited to 150 people. Reserve your spot soon.