Psalm 51:1-10 – “create a clean heart for me”

Just because you have believed in Jesus Christ and accepted His gift of salvation does not mean that you won’t sin again. Just because God has cleansed your heart does not mean that you won’t get it dirty. Thankfully, just because God has washed your heart once does not mean that He won’t wash it again…and again. King David is known for being a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), but we find him here in Psalm 51 realizing his sin and asking for a clean heart. He had committed some serious sins such as adultery and murder. For some reason, he did not recognize his sin until the prophet Nathan revealed it to him. Perhaps he had slowly distanced himself from spending time with God. Perhaps he had slowly allowed “small” sins to occur without seeing a need to repent. Perhaps he had become numb to his sinfulness and fell down the slippery slope. Perhaps he thought he was good with God by participating in Temple rituals and doing those outward works. Perhaps he was comfortable with the dirty spots in his heart. But at this moment, he was awakened to the need of a cleaning. He knew that God desired his heart. He asks God to forgive him. He knew that his sin stood in opposition to God. He not only wants God to wash his heart, but he wants to hear the joy and gladness that comes with it. To have your sins forgiven is such a relief. It is a weight lifted off your shoulders. It’s something you experienced when you first believed in Christ, but perhaps it’s been too long since you’ve let God scrub your heart. God is willing. His love is consistent and He is abundantly compassionate. Just humble yourself and ask.

Prayer Starter: God of my salvation. Reveal to me sin that has taken home in my heart. Reveal to me things that I have done or things that I should have done. It is a sin to not do the thing I know you want me to do. Forgive me for ignoring Your prompting and forgive me for pushing aside the Holy Spirit in my heart. Clean me and restore to me the joy and gladness that belongs to a heart that You possess. I need You again in my heart. Amen.

You’re reading a devotion from the Easter Devotional Plan 2016. For the rest of the 40 day plan, visit here.