Things Good for The Heart:  Part 6

Things Good for The Heart: Part 6

Proverbs 27:9 – “heartfelt counsel of a friend” It may be hard for us to understand how oil and perfume can make the heart glad. This is the illustration for how sweet the heartfelt counsel is of a friend. In Bible times and mostly up until modern days, oil was used...
Things Good for The Heart:  Part 6

Things Good for The Heart: Part 5

Proverbs 23:15-19 – “don’t let your heart envy sinners” I like how verse 15 says that if the son’s heart will choose wisdom, then the father’s heart will be glad. It goes along with other readings we had this week. Your heart’s decisions do not only affect you, they...
Things Good for The Heart:  Part 6

Things Good for The Heart: Part 4

Proverbs 18:12 – “humility” God wants our heart because God loves us and can do better things for us than we can for ourselves. Being independent and self-sufficient apart from God is not a good scenario. To cut off the One who gives every good and perfect gift (James...
Things Good for The Heart:  Part 6

Things Good for The Heart: Part 3

Proverbs 12:25; 15:30 – “a good word cheers it up” There are plenty of things in your life that can weigh you down. There is the busyness of schedules and activities. There is the worry of provision and protection. There is the concern over work and relationships. How...
Things Good for The Heart:  Part 6

Things Good for The Heart: Part 2

Proverbs 6:20-23 – “your father’s command, your mother’s teaching … bind them to your heart” If you’re like me when I was young, you’ve probably heard your parents say “if I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times” or “how many times do I have to say...
Things Good for The Heart:  Part 6

Things Good for The Heart: Part 1

Proverbs 3:3 – “loyalty and faithfulness … write them on the tablet of your heart” Loyalty and faithfulness are two words that you don’t hear much about. If you don’t like your phone service, you can go with a different phone company. If you don’t like your church,...