Feb 17, 2019 | Good Rain Rwanda
Hello from Kigali…Christina here. Well we had a good day of worship and other excitements! While Pastor Shane went to the other side of Kigali to preach and worship at the church of Steven, our translator, John, Peggy, Neal and I worshipped at the...
Feb 16, 2019 | Good Rain Rwanda
As I spend my last night in Rwanda before leaving to return to my family and church family in Worcester, I look back at the past week teaching and fellowship with the pastors with great joy. Investing here each year is rewarding on a level that I have a hard time...
Feb 14, 2019 | Good Rain Rwanda
Good Rain – This is Rwanda’s rainy season, but there has been a persistent drought. That is until we came, 3 out of 5 days have seen good downpours – and the earth is soaking it up. Perhaps our coming also brings good rain. Shane gave an...
Feb 13, 2019 | Good Rain Rwanda
Hello From The Other Side! This is Shane once again. While you all are bracing for some snow and chilly temperatures, John and I just enjoyed a beautiful African sunny day in the mid 80’s :). What a great break from the cold weather we get to enjoy each...
Feb 12, 2019 | Good Rain Rwanda
Shane and I received a very warm reception, broad smiles, and everyone needed a bear hug. This is the first time that Shane has started a first session (the beginning of the two weeks of teaching) – Neal has always come the week before Shane – so naturally, we...
Feb 11, 2019 | Good Rain Rwanda
Greetings from the Hope Chapel and 7 Hills Rwanda campus. Shane Colwell and John Scudiere presiding. The Harvest Christian Church is one block away, this is where we teach during the week and today – Sunday – it is our home to worship. Here church...