by Steve Blumer, Pastor of Family and Adults

My kids like the cartoon series called “Phineas and Ferb” by Disney, where two young brothers invent and engineer fun things to do every day of the summer. All kids have this expectation that summer will be just the same for them. Summer is a fun time for our kids…most days. There are vacations and get-a-ways, some camps and certainly Vacation Bible Spectacular (don’t forget to register). But it doesn’t take long for kids to be bored and ask what exciting adventure is scheduled for the next day. As parents who still work when school is not in session, summer for my kids cannot possibly be an adventure every day (hint: cleaning their room is not an adventure, so they tell me).

I remember being at home as a kid with my brother while my parents both worked during summer vacation. We were given a list of chores and as long as they were finished, we could do nearly whatever we wanted. But the summer was hot in Iowa and we had 1 air conditioner in the house which happened to be in my parents room which did not have a television (we had 1 television and it was in the family room. Can you imagine the struggle? ha ha). So we would do crossword puzzles or simply be bored if we wanted to stay cool.

In today’s world, kids have access to games and shows beyond crossword puzzles and whatever is currently on the television. And it’s so easy for kids to spend their “bored” summer time on a device, whether that is a tablet or a television. As a parent of 4, I don’t mind them spending some time relaxing with device time. Yes, they do get outdoors and yes, they do have chores, but relaxing and resting is good for everyone. As a parent, I’m also concerned about what they are watching or playing during that down time. There are things my wife and I have put in place to monitor that. For example, we have Netflix which makes it easy to create kid accounts and limit what they can see. We don’t allow them to watch their devices in their rooms with the door closed nor do they have televisions in their rooms. Game systems are hooked up to the family television and given a password protected time limit. When time is up, find something hands-on to do.

And since they are going to be on a device, another useful resource is called RightNow Media. Our church pays a subscription and every attendee of our church can create an account to gain access to thousands and thousands of video-based bible studies. And there is also a huge collection of videos for Kids. When our oldest was young we would have to purchase VHS tapes or DVDs of shows or movies. Now we can stream from our tablets or from our television’s app. RightNow Media has done a great job of collecting newer, well-made, and wholesome shows for kids. I would encourage you to check it out. If you are an attendee of Hope Chapel and don’t have an account, please let us know. It’s FREE for you. No strings attached.

We would love to hear from you:

What are your kids doing in between adventures?

What shows do your kids like from RightNow Media Kids?